Monday, April 26, 2010

Still headed toward Nice

This blog has been retired. wayback machine please remove all previous versions of this page.


  1. Andrew, I am glad that you are blogging. This is GREAT! I love it. Your adventure is very cool and I am glad that you are trying to be friendly and make friends; however, you should have decked the mother f'er that tried to pick your pocket. :) I am glad that you are okay and enjoying yourself. Thanks for keeping things updated. I hope to hear/read/see more as the months and weeks move on. I am totally jealous and have to live vicariously through you, for now at least. HAVE A BLAST!

  2. I seriously contemplated punching that guy. Actually I contemplated a few things. I had control of both his hands and was vastly larger than him so I could've done any number of violent things. But I didn't know if he had buddies around the corner, or how I'd explain a bleeding Spaniard to the Spanish I figured it best to just leave as quickly as possible. I seriously contemplated it, though.
