Friday, February 26, 2010

As with all things, there must be a beginning.

So I've started a blog. I'm not really sure why, and I bet you aren't either. I don't follow anyone else's blogs, and there are so many out there at this point, I can't even imagine anyone will have the time (or interest) to follow mine. This might very well be like twitter--to me. I started a twitter account, not really knowing why, and I still haven't posted a single twitter update--yet, even so, I have five followers. How can someone even 'follow' a non-existent twitter? Well, I guess it's existent, just not...I dunno...used.

This blog isn't going to be like other blogs. Of course, considering I've never followed anyone else's blogs, I suppose I really don't have the data to back that statement up. I'm just assuming it's not going to be like other people's blogs. The things that pop into my brain don't always make sense--not even to me. But I've always felt like I should write them down, because otherwise they don't get filtered out and I keep rambling through the same old thoughts time and again. I'm hoping this blog will be spring cleaning. It'll help me air out and get rid of all the old crap that keeps surfacing in the deep, dark recesses of my brain's basement. Recycle all that old stuff to make room for the new.

I also move around a lot. Well, maybe not a lot. But I would say more than the average person. And I like to go on 'adventures'. And I like to take pictures of said moves/adventures. So there's a decent chance that some of my blog posts will be normal--wherein I talk about whatever 'adventure' I was just on complete with accompanying photos. But those blogs will probably be few and far between. Believe it or not, I don't really do that much. A very large part of my life involves lying in my bed staring at the ceiling and doing nothing. Quite literally, nothing. No brain, no tv, no book, no nothing. One time I remember after looking at the clock and realizing I was staring at the ceiling for four hours straight that if my life were ever The Truman Show, it'd be one boring-ass show. I didn't hum, there was no music in the background, no sound at all. I wasn't doing anything, or even really thinking about anything. I just hit the off switch for four hours.

Admittedly, I haven't had such a long zone-out time for a while now. But I do have short ones every now and then. I'll be in a McDonald's parking lot and I'll open my door, swing my leg out of the car, and just stop. I don't get out. I don't get back in. Nothing happens in my brain. I'm just sitting there, half in my car, half about to get out and walk into McDonald's, and...nothing. Then, after a few minutes, I resume my course. Does anybody else do that?

What amuses me about facebook, twitter, and blogspot is that it's taken stalking to a whole new level. Don't you remember back in the day when you'd see a girl at school, and you'd follow her for a bit. Just until you've followed her long enough to find a way to get her name. Then you look up her address in the phone book. You find five people with her last name in the phone book, so you borrow your dad's Cutlass--you know, the one with the tinted back windows--and you drive to the first house with your Canon (with that telephoto lens you bought out of that magazine) and binoculars for a good old fashioned stake-out. After several hours you find it's the wrong house so you go to the next one on your list. You spend days just to get a couple snaps of them doing something menial and you know where they are for a limited amount of time. Now, things are much better. I can be a complete stalker from the comfort of my bed. All I do is surf to the facebook, and I can find out EXACTLY what she did that day, complete with pictures! That's not enough? I can check out her twitter and see what she's doing THIS INSTANT! Amazing! My hand is all orange from the Cheetos and I'm sitting in my lounge-around sweats and I get instant status updates and awesome around-the-house pictures! Totally speaks to the fat, lazy guy inside me.

By the way, that above story was embellished. Neither of my parents have ever owned a Cutlass. And I'm sure some comedian already came up with that idea for their stand-up routine. But I truly find it amazing. I think "hmmm, I wonder what Jennifer has been up to lately" and BOOM! I've got her facebook, twitter, and blog that tell me everything interesting (and many boring things) that have happened to her in the last two years.

I don't write right. I suppose since this is at the bottom of a page, you already know this. But I figured I'd let you know anyway. My thoughts don't appear in my head grammatically correct, and since I'm not being graded on this blog, I don't feel the need to 'fix' my thoughts into grammatical correctness. I end lots of sentences with prepositions. I start sentences with words like 'and' and 'so' which I know you're never supposed to do. And I really don't care if it bothers you. Well, I care, but not enough to change. I'm writing this pretty much exactly as it floats out of my mind. If you were my English teacher, I'd consider editing and fixing the grammar for you. But you're not.

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